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Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a major problem in India and around the world. Bed bugs are insects that feed on blood. Their bites can result in a number of health impacts including skin rashes, psychological, and allergic symptoms. Bed bug bites may lead to skin allergies ranging from prominent blisters to subsided symptoms. Bed Bugs feed only on blood and must have regular blood meals to survive and grow. Humans are not the only targets; they also attack many other warm-blooded animals that can be your pets too. Found in virtually every place they tend to breed in bedding and compatible spaces, including residences, hotels, schools, offices, retail stores and even public transport. Bed bug outbreaks are extremely difficult to control and need professional assistance. Which is where our PSI pest control treatment comes to the rescue! It is specifically designed to kill only the bed bugs and never damage your furniture or other belongings. Key Points Our proficient pest control team for bed bugs provides spraying treatment in the infected area keeping in mind the precautions of dealing with irritating pests. The spraying treatment would not only help you to get rid of bed bugs but also make sure that none of your essentials are harmed in the process. Our chemicals are only dangerous for bedbugs not for humans and our chemicals have no odor smell. We guarantee our services and we have special pesticide solutions for bed bugs.